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9°C weather in Vela Luka, croatia


Vela spila - the cradle of Western civilization, is located in the vicinity of Vela Luka town, on the western part of Korcula island and it is a unique combination of natural and cultural heritage.


Located just above Vela Luka town, right on the extreme western part of Korcula island, Vela spila cave is a unique locality combining both natural and cultural heritage. The real experience of this unusual site begins with the blue road, a Mediterranean promenade offering a beautiful panoramic view of Vela Luka bay and remote islets.


This cave locality holds a unique ambience: while the background is formed by the millennia furrowed rocks, the two large ceiling openings, called Velo and Malo zdrilo, allow inflow of sunlight, providing a special and somewhat dramatic appearance. In addition to its astounding natural beauty, Vela spila cave testifies to the continuity of life occurring in this secluded location since prehistoric times. According to world scientists, this site has been classified as the cradle of Western civilization. Many discovered fragments of pottery, human remains, obsidian, traces of volcanic ash, and various other archaeological materials, testify to the exceptional value of this remarkable cave, and since the research has not yet been completed, we can only guess what secrets are still hidden in this mysterious and precious site. Join us in a stroll along this beautiful path.


Experience Vela Luka from the most alluring perspective and step into prehistory over 20 000 years old.


Opening hours:

Every day except Sunday from 9:00-20:00.
Ticket 2 E